1851 - 1855
Hoffman, Franz Anton, Joseph Masters, Frances M. Wilbraham, and Dalziel Brothers. “A Tale of St. Domingo.” Tales for My Godson. London: Joseph Masters, 1851. Print. Translated from the German of F. H. by F. M. Wilbraham.
Huet, M. M. Alexander Tardy: The Poisoner, and Pirate Chief of St. Domingo. New York: H. Long, 1852.
Adams, H. G., Ed. “Biographical Sketches—Toussaint Louverture.” God's Image in Ebony: Being a Series of Biographical Sketches, Facts, Anecdotes, etc., Demonstrative of the Mental Powers and Intellectual Capacities of the Negro Race. London: Patridge and Oakey, 1854.
Lee, Hannah Farnham Sawyer. Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, Born a Slave in St. Domingo. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 1854.
Baquaqua, Mahommah Gardo. Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua: A Native Zoogoo, In the Interior of Africa (A Convert to Christianity): With a Description of That Part of the World, Including the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants ... : Mahommah's Early Life, His Education, His Capture and Slavery in Western Africa and Brazil, His Escape to the United States, From Thence to Hayti, (The City of Port Au Prince,) His Reception by the Baptist Missionary There, The Rev. W.L. Judd; His Conversion to Christianity, Baptism, and Return to This Country, His Views, Objects and Aim / Written and Revised From His Own Words by Samuel Moore, Esq. Detroit: Geo. E. Pomeroy & Co., 1854.
Hazlewood, C. H. Paul Periwinkle, Or, The Horrors of the Press Gang, Drama in Two Acts Adapted From the Popular Nautical Work of the Same Name by C. H. Hazlewood. London: Licensed by The Lord Chamberlain to Messrs. J. Johnson and Nelson Lee, 1854.
Pratt, Frances Hammond. La Belle Zoa; or, The Insurrection of Hayti. Albany: Weeds, Parsons, 1854.
Vashon, George Boyer. “Vincent Ogé.” Autographs for Freedom. Ed. Julia Griffiths. Auburn, New York: Alden Beardsley and Co., 1854. 44-60
Étheart, Liautaud. Le génie de l’enfer. Essai dramatique en un acte, Published in (Les) Miscellanées. Port-Au-Prince, Impr. J. Courtois, 1855.
Gottfried, Hermann. Toussaint L’ouverture: Grosse Oper in 5 Aufzügen Lübeck: Druck Von H.G. Rahtgens, 1855.
Melville, Herman. “Benito Cereno.” Putnam’s Monthly. October, November, and December, 1855.
Hoffman, Franz Anton, Joseph Masters, Frances M. Wilbraham, and Dalziel Brothers. “A Tale of St. Domingo.” Tales for My Godson. London: Joseph Masters, 1851. Print. Translated from the German of F. H. by F. M. Wilbraham.
Huet, M. M. Alexander Tardy: The Poisoner, and Pirate Chief of St. Domingo. New York: H. Long, 1852.
Adams, H. G., Ed. “Biographical Sketches—Toussaint Louverture.” God's Image in Ebony: Being a Series of Biographical Sketches, Facts, Anecdotes, etc., Demonstrative of the Mental Powers and Intellectual Capacities of the Negro Race. London: Patridge and Oakey, 1854.
Lee, Hannah Farnham Sawyer. Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, Born a Slave in St. Domingo. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 1854.
Baquaqua, Mahommah Gardo. Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua: A Native Zoogoo, In the Interior of Africa (A Convert to Christianity): With a Description of That Part of the World, Including the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants ... : Mahommah's Early Life, His Education, His Capture and Slavery in Western Africa and Brazil, His Escape to the United States, From Thence to Hayti, (The City of Port Au Prince,) His Reception by the Baptist Missionary There, The Rev. W.L. Judd; His Conversion to Christianity, Baptism, and Return to This Country, His Views, Objects and Aim / Written and Revised From His Own Words by Samuel Moore, Esq. Detroit: Geo. E. Pomeroy & Co., 1854.
Hazlewood, C. H. Paul Periwinkle, Or, The Horrors of the Press Gang, Drama in Two Acts Adapted From the Popular Nautical Work of the Same Name by C. H. Hazlewood. London: Licensed by The Lord Chamberlain to Messrs. J. Johnson and Nelson Lee, 1854.
Pratt, Frances Hammond. La Belle Zoa; or, The Insurrection of Hayti. Albany: Weeds, Parsons, 1854.
Vashon, George Boyer. “Vincent Ogé.” Autographs for Freedom. Ed. Julia Griffiths. Auburn, New York: Alden Beardsley and Co., 1854. 44-60
Étheart, Liautaud. Le génie de l’enfer. Essai dramatique en un acte, Published in (Les) Miscellanées. Port-Au-Prince, Impr. J. Courtois, 1855.
Gottfried, Hermann. Toussaint L’ouverture: Grosse Oper in 5 Aufzügen Lübeck: Druck Von H.G. Rahtgens, 1855.
Melville, Herman. “Benito Cereno.” Putnam’s Monthly. October, November, and December, 1855.