1856 - 1860
Faubert, Pierre. Ogé; ou le préjugé de couleur: Drame historique, suivi de poesies fugitive et de Notes. Paris: Librairie De C. Maillet-Schmitz, 1856.
Grayson, William J. “Hireling and the Slave, Part the Second.” Hireling and the Slave, Chicora, and Other Poems. Charleston, S.C.: Mccarter and Co., 1856.
Bergeaud, Émeric. Stella. Paris: E. Dentu, 1859.
Harris, J. Dennis. A Summer on the Borders of the Caribbean Sea / by J. Dennis Harris; With an Introduction by George William Curtis. New York: A.B. Burdick, 1860.
Möring, Michel. “L’esclave de Saint-Domingue,” Les Conteurs en Famille. Paris: J. Vermot, 1860.
Faubert, Pierre. Ogé; ou le préjugé de couleur: Drame historique, suivi de poesies fugitive et de Notes. Paris: Librairie De C. Maillet-Schmitz, 1856.
Grayson, William J. “Hireling and the Slave, Part the Second.” Hireling and the Slave, Chicora, and Other Poems. Charleston, S.C.: Mccarter and Co., 1856.
Bergeaud, Émeric. Stella. Paris: E. Dentu, 1859.
Harris, J. Dennis. A Summer on the Borders of the Caribbean Sea / by J. Dennis Harris; With an Introduction by George William Curtis. New York: A.B. Burdick, 1860.
Möring, Michel. “L’esclave de Saint-Domingue,” Les Conteurs en Famille. Paris: J. Vermot, 1860.